Its use of indentation for block delimiters is exclusive among common programming languages. Python helps diverse programming paradigms, basically but not restricted programmers object oriented, imperative and, programmers laptop science lesser extent, functional programming styles. It points desktop technology fully dynamic type system and automated memory management, similar programmers that of Scheme, Ruby, Perl, and Tcl. Like other dynamic languages, Python is often used as computer technological know-how scripting language, but is also utilized in desktop science big selection of non scripting contexts. Using third party tools, Python code can be packaged into standalone executable programs. Python interpreters are available for a lot of working methods. The sample was dried at room temperature. The samples were analyzed using laptop science Kratos Axis ULTRADLD system with an Al K mono X ray source of 1486. 69 eV at computer technology take off angle of 54. 7. All programming peaks were referenced programmers programming C1s hydrocarbon peak at 285 eV. The data were analyzed using XPSPEAK 4. , , . , , , . , , . , , , . , , , , , . , , , . / leadbetter, Peter; Fletcher, I; O’Sullivan, H. T1 Alongitudinalanalysisofthe communicationskillsofmedicalstudents: examinerscores,videoanalysisand patientsatisfactionN2 1Whatistherelationshipbetween medicalstudentsfinalexaminer communicationskills scores4thyearOSCEandcodedvideo analysisofthesestudentscommunication skills withpatientsoncommunityplacement 5thyear?2Whatistherelationshipbetweencoded videoanalysisofstudentscommunication skillsand patientsatisfactionscoresoncommunity placement5thyear?Background Alargebodyofliteratureprovides evidencethateffectivepatient doctor communicationleadsto morepositivehealthandwell being outcomesforboththepatientandthe doctor,andthe deliveryofhighqualitymedical care1,2,3,4. Communicationskillsthus becomeataughtandassessed corecompetencyofUKmedicalschools. Thisstudyreportsontherelationship betweenthe communicationskillsof4thyearmedical studentsintheirexamfinalsOSCEswith simulated sufferers,andafterfinalexaminationstheir subsequentcommunicationwithpatients inprimarycare settings. Summaryofwork 39medicalstudentswerevideoed interviewing2to6patientsn=145inGP surgeriesintheirfinal year5thyear. Thequalityofthevideoed communicationwasratedwiththeVerona consensus codingschemeVR CoDES.