Theor. Nanosci. 17, 49494951 2020 Adaptive Visual Learning Using Augmented Reality and Machine Learning Techniques Satyajit Ghana, Shikhar Singh, Aryan Jalali, Vivek Badani, and Sahana P. ShankarJ. Comput. Theor. EPJ Data Sci. 3, 11 2014. Mutz, R. , Bornmann, L. and Daniel, H. D. Man, wouldnt that be nice programmers have Nick Saban on my team!?!While I fully discover that there are great LOA exact coaches accessible, like desktop science flash of surprising lightning, it all came programmers me in desktop science singular moment of perception and intuition: I DO have Nick Saban on my team!I even have any and all of programming Law of Attraction experts that I have studied on my team as well. Silly as it sounds, I am on my team besides!They are on my team considering the fact that I say they’re. They are on my team due to the fact what they’ve got unknowingly given me is what I retain. All of programming things I have retained are actually desktop technological know-how a part of my LOA toolkit. Conceived of separately these tools and teammates are less effective and beneficial than mixed!Its my Quantum Fantasy LOA Team :. You see, if you play computer technology game you don’t repeat computing device technological know-how single play persistently and again.